The green of Guatemala

Absolutelly amazing photos, thank for your posts 🙂


“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.”

-Pedro Calderon de la Barca

It is hard to visit Guatemala and not become completely entranced by her greenery. The color green can be found in every place you look- from the verdant terraced farmlands, to the lush fertile peaks of the volcanoes. After a long, cold colorless winter arriving in Green Guatemala almost hurts your eyes and reminds me of the constant rebirth and cycle of life.

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Cuba – everywhere a sign

Cuba is poor, but very nice country

The Incredible Lightness of Seeing

Your example lives; your ideas last.”  Che Guevara was an Argentinian who played a major part in the Cuban Revolution. Like Bangkok, Cubans revere their leaders by placing large billboards and signs throughout the country. Until my trip to Cuba, I had known very little about Che. But one must remember that the information communicated to our tour group was by a national tour guide who works for the Cuban government. In fact, all tour companies and many of the hotels are run by the government.

The Party is not a privilege; it is a sacrifice.  Before our trip, I did not know very much about Cuba’s turbulent history. I ordered a book (Cuba: A History by Hugh Thomas UK) when I returned, so that I could read more about it as I believe our wonderful guide could not freely speak her…

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Pining for the Pine White Butterfly – Annie Pang

Nice post and pictures 🙂

Vancouver Island Nature

“Look who has come now, all trimmed in black lace,

riding down on a breeze right up to my face!

A slow drifting snowflake in late summer’s light,

floating down from the firs is the dancing Pine White…”


How I wait for and welcome this beautiful and once plentiful butterfly that appears sometime between mid-July to early August, depending on the weather.  This year, it has been a bit later as most other species have been, if seen at all but now has finally come out, along with the Woodland Skipper.  The European Skipper is gone and so are the swallows where these little butterflies were.  It was hard to see the swallows vanish from areas where they were once so abundant.  Something is very, very wrong and even laypeople are seeing it…..well the ones I talk to anyhow.  There aren’t enough insects to support our swallows and other insect-eating migratory and resident birds.

Getting back to the Pine White butterfly, it is easily…

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